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Make a positive impact in your community

TC能源的社会影响项目“打造强大”的投资遵循一系列标准. Whether we are providing grants, 为未来的能源问题解决者颁发奖学金,或支持将社区成员聚集在一起的当地活动, our goal is to help build strong, 充满活力的社区.

我们考虑在我们的运营或项目半径约30公里(20英里)范围内的社区投资机会, :

  • Align with one or more of our focus areas
  • 解决社区中的差距或需求,这将使社区蓬勃发展
  • 在我们的社区和企业之间创造共享价值和繁荣
  • Promote equity and equality
  • Offer engagement opportunities for our employees
  • Demonstrate measurable impact

我们的合作伙伴关系反映了我们在北美生活和工作的社区的多样性. Through our social impact portfolio, 我们支持那些促进公平和平等并为我们所有人的更加包容的未来作出贡献的组织.

Build strong apply for funding video thumbnail

Interested in applying for funding from 建立强大的?


Ineligible organizations

  • For-profit organizations
  • 私立学校
  • 基于种族、宗教、性别或性取向歧视的组织
  • 个人
  • Religious, political or special interest groups
  • 倡导和游说倡议——包括游说反对能源行业的组织
  • Recreation or sports organizations and events
  • Infrastructure Projects 
  • 操场
  • 旅行或旅游
  • Third-party fundraisers
  • Advertising, memberships, ticket sales, or lotteries
  • Mass-mailed or non-addressed solicitation
  • Health-related organizations and fundraising events
  • Arts organizations (theatres, museums, orchestras, etc.)
  • 寻求购买火器和/或武器(枪支、防弹背心、弹药等)的组织.)
  • Organizations seeking to provide scholarships to students


建立强大的 application is open.


We will accept applications on a rolling basis from Jan. 11月22日. 8, 2024. Once all 建立强大的 dollars have been allocated, applications will not be considered for the remainder of the year. We encourage you to apply early.

If you are a successful applicant, 您将被要求通过报告调查提供影响数据指标,TC能源将在获得资金六个月至一年后发送给您.

Apply for indigenous funding

Please apply here if you are an 土著 group, 或者你的申请将使75%以上的土著人民受益. To see if your initiative is a fit, visit the 土著 Community Legacy page.


电子邮件 build_strong@b7bys.com to connect with the 社会影响 team.



鳟鱼无限加拿大是一个令人难以置信的组织,在1972年的水道恢复方面取得了成功. 在过去的20年里,TC能源一直与加拿大鳟鱼无限公司合作:仅仅是因为我们相信他们在实地实施真正变革的无与伦比的能力, protect natural spaces and improve our water resources. Over the past few years, we have supported their Reconnecting Canada Project, 哪个项目旨在修复水道,以改善鱼类通道和水质.

Learn more about Trout Unlimited Canada


University of Houston Logo

TC Energy Summer Scholars Academy

TC Energy and the TC Energy Foundation donated US$50,向休斯顿大学自然科学与数学学院(NSM)提供了1万美元,用于支持一个夏季项目,该项目使高中生对主修科学感兴趣, 技术, engineering or math (STEM) to prepare for the transition to college. 密集的, 项目为期九周, TC Energy Summer Scholars Academy, provides support to 50 students, many of whom are the first generation in their family to attend college.
